Knowledge, Resources & Connections for Funders Across West Virginia
Our Sponsors & Partners
Support provided by our partners sustains Philanthropy West Virginia’s mission of Strengthening Philanthropy in the Mountain State.
We acknowledge these allies, and are grateful for their contributions.
For more information on opportunities to become a Sponsor, please contact Paul Daugherty, President & CEO of Philanthropy West Virginia, at
Program Supporters
Ascendium is working to change post-secondary and workforce training systems so that low-income learners have the same opportunities for academic and career success.
The Bernard McDonough Foundation, making a better place for everyone, one grant at a time.
The Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation has served West Virginia and Southwestern Pennsylvania since it was established in 1944.
The EQT Foundation believes in meaningful engagement with the communities it calls home and takes great pride in being a responsible and responsive corporate citizen. .
The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation is here to help individuals, families, businesses and nonprofits improve the lives within the community now and for generations to come.
The Roy and Gwen Steeley Foundation is investing in education to strengthen West Virginia Communities.
United Philanthropy Forum connects a diverse network of more than 90 regional and national philanthropy-serving organizations (PSOs) to lead change and increase impact in philanthropy.
Philanthropic Partners
The Charles & Mary Fayne Glotfelty Foundation is a charitable foundation dedicated to advancing Human Potential in Kanawha County, West Virginia, through the Arts, Education and Human Services.
Since 1972, the Community Foundation for the Ohio Valley has connected donors who care with causes that matter by making grants to organizations working to improve the quality of life in the Upper Ohio Valley.
Established in 1999, The Dunn Foundation foundation is a place where local West Virginia environmental and citizen groups can apply for funding for their programs, and to which other people and groups can donate assets and ideas to advance our common goals.
TheEastern West Virginia Community Foundation’s mission is to inspire philanthropy, serve donors, strengthen communities, and improve the quality of life in Eastern West Virginia now and for future generations.
The Parkersburg Area Community Foundation and Regional Affiliates (PACF) works with individuals, families, businesses, and civic or nonprofit organizations to make a positive and permanent commitment for the future of our community.
Established in 2017, the vision of the Pallottine Foundation of Huntington is to continue the caring legacy of the Pallottine Missionary Sisters in the Tri-State community – physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
The Ross Foundation works to build a strong and healthy local community by supporting nonprofit organizations which create a lasting impact in the Mid-Ohio Valley Region.
Guided by its vision of “healthy people in healthy communities,” the Sisters Health Foundation supports efforts that promote and address healthy eating, active living; thriving neighborhoods; and mental health and addiction in the Mid-Ohio Valley.
The Sisters of St. Joseph Health & Wellness Foundation is a sponsored ministry of the Congregation of St. Joseph’s Mission Network. They strive to strengthen the holistic health of West Virginia’s children and their families.
The West Virginia Catholic Foundation is a nonprofit public charity incorporated to provide a means for individuals and organizations to ensure long-term financial viability for the charitable, religious and educational institutions of the Catholic Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston.
Hess Family Foundation
Mylan Charitable Foundation
The McGee Foundation
Conference & Event Sponsors
Philanthropy software designed to meet the unique needs of grantmakers, scholarship providers, community foundations, and nonprofits.
The Highmark Foundation is a private, charitable organization dedicated to public health and human service initiatives.
Suttle & Stalnaker are Certified Public Accountants with offices in Charleston, Parkersburg, and Morgantown, WV for over 45 years.
United Wealth Management provides tailored investment and wealth planning services for individuals, families, institutions and other entities.