2019 ACFI Agenda

2019 Appalachian Community
Foundation Institute 

 June 11th & June 12th – Stonewall Resort, Roanoke, WV


Purpose:  This annual event provides an outstanding program among community foundations, United Ways, humanities councils, and college & university/hospital foundations for professional training related to organization management, asset development, donor stewardship, operational best practices, and networking for the program staff, CEOS, Board members, and professional advisors. This program will help you grow your donor base and community development impact.

(Philanthropy WV is finalizing the presenters for the breakout sessions, announcements will be coming soon! Be sure to check back for Agenda updates! Updated 04/25/2019)

Tuesday, June 11th:

11:00 AM – 3:00 PM: Pre-ACFI Working Group & Strategy Sessions: If you’d like to have a meeting with some peers on a specific concept, project, or idea, please let our staff know: hilaria@philanthropywv.org so space can be reserved.

1:30 PM – 3:00 PM: RCDI All-County Meeting – Greenbrier Room

2:30 PM:  Registration Opens – Come early and be pampered at the spa, hike a trail, enjoy a paddle board, or experience a round of golf before we kickoff the 2019 Appalachian Community Foundation!

3:30 – 5:00 PM:  Pre-Institute Skill Building Session

  • Legal Briefing on Top 5 Legal Issues with presenter: Suzanne Friday, JD, Council on Foundations – Managing Director, National Standards, and Vice President of Legal Affairs
    • This 90-minute session will focus on several of the most pressing issues facing community foundations today including 1) donor-advised funds and donor control; 2) scholarship fund administration; 3) fiscal sponsorship relationships, and 4) working with private foundations.  Suzanne will also bring us up-to-date on legislative and regulatory activity happening in Washington. – Located in the Kanawha Room
  • Using Asset Development & Community Leadership to our Advantage with presenter: Kelly Shrock, President with The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County
    • Community Foundations have the knowledge, connections, influence, and resources that can be used for positive change in our community.  Pair that with our unique ability to assist donors in fulfilling their charitable legacy and the possibilities are endless.  We will talk specifics about asset development and community leadership and provide time for you to develop practical strategies you can take back to the office and put to work. – Located in the Greenbrier Room

5:00 – 5:45 PM:  Break – Check in and freshen up before the opening reception.

5:45 – 6:30 PM:  Welcome Reception at Lightburns

6:30 – 6:45 PM:  Dinner at Lightburns

6:45 – 7:45 PM:  Evening Keynote:  Next Generation Leadership – Rick King, President, and Justin Lewis, Program Mentor with Three Pillars Initiative 

8:00 PM: Networking – Join your peers around the campfire, take a stroll around the lake or catch up with old and new friends.

Wednesday, June 12th:

8:30 AM:  Breakfast in the Pecan Room

8:45 AM:  Morning Keynote:  Sparking New Ways to Advance Community Leadership: Ralph M. Serpe, CEO, and Bryan Tate, President with Building Unrestricted, LLC 

9:45 AM:  Break

10:00 – 11:00 AM:  Breakout Workshops


11:00 AM: Break

11:15 – 12:15 PM:  Breakout Workshops

  • (A)Keep5Local Track: Building Unrestricted Funds in West Virginia lead by – Ralph M. Serpe, CEO, and Bryan Tate, President with Building Unrestricted, LLC (Must be signed up for the outside Building Unrestricted Funds in WV series to attend, click HERE for more details!).  Located Sutton Room
  • (B) Marketing Track: with Jane Powell, Communications Director with The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation and Kathryn Davis Lamp, Vice President with the Foundation for the Tri-Sate.
    • Learn from professionals on some great strategies and approaches for communication and outreach with donors and partners. Located in the Summersville Room
  • (C) Community Partnership Track: Partnerships that Save Our Downtowns: with Susie Nelson, Executive Director with Community Foundation for the Ohio Valley.
    • Philanthropy is an excellent partner in community development and downtown revitalization.  Join an expert community foundation to learn and apply their lessons learned from their partnership to save a downtown icon and re-develop a community’s landscape.  Located in the Greenbrier Room.
  • (D) Operations & Financial Management Track: with Tina Reilly-Dewitt, Bookkeeper with the Community Foundation for the Ohio Valley, Dena Cushman, Executive Director with the Beckley Area Foundation, and Hilaria Swisher, Program & Engagement Coordinator with Philanthropy West Virginia.
    • Whether you are wearing multiple hats at your organization or a team of operation/financial folks, join your peers to “sharpen your saw” or learn new ways to implement best practices in operational and financial management at your organization.  Located in the Maple Room.

12:15 AM: Transition to Lunch in the Pecan Room

12:30 – 1:30 PM:  Luncheon Roundtables: There’s such great wisdom in the room to share. What are your BIG topics or issues that you want to discuss with your peers?  Join your colleagues from across Appalachia for peer to peer learning and “Job Alike” table discussions.  If you have table discussion topic ideas please email hilaria@philanthropywv.org.

Current Table Topics Include:

  • Taking Your Next Best Step on the Path to Local Impact Investing – Whether you are just exploring the idea, have already taken a small first step or are ready to build a significant local investing program, come share your experience, questions, and concerns with your peers and Deb Markley, Sr. VP, LOCUS Impact Investing who will facilitate and share lessons from
  • Online Giving and Giving Days
  • Tackling the Opioid Use Disorder Epidemic
  • Asset Development
  • Managing Your Board
  • NIP Tax Credits & Navigating the Process
  • Others (Have an idea?  Email hilaria@philanthropywv.org with your suggestion!)

1:30 PM:  Break 

1:45 PM – 3:00 PM: Closing Keynote –  Facilitating Investment: Using Data to Spark Transformational Conversations – Kelly Shrock, President with The Community Foundation of Muncie & Deleware County, Inc.  How to use the Transfer of Wealth data in your asset development plans and facilitate gifts that will transform your community.