Are You Listening? How To Become A More Responsive, Effective, and Equitable Grantmaker

As West Virginia’s leading voice and premier resource for philanthropy, Philanthropy West Virginia is committed to helping its members fulfill their charitable goals. Through its programs and services, Philanthropy WV helps funders become more efficient, effective grantmakers.
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Are You Listening? How To Become A More Responsive, Effective, and Equitable Grantmaker

April 4, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Foundations are most effective — and can make the most difference in the world — when their decisions are informed
by the insights of the people and communities most harmed by the systems and structures philanthropy is seeking to
change. This session will provide leaders with a framework to think in a systematic way about how they can take up
listening practices that center the experiences and voices of the people and communities at the heart of our work.

In this virtual session, participants will learn about emerging tools and resources to help them reflect on how they listen,
how their foundation can meaningfully respond to community in their work, and how they can shift and share power
with people with lived expertise in their foundation strategy and grantmaking. Through a dynamic mix of presentation,
individual reflection time, and interactive small groups, participants will identify strategies and recommend next steps to
bring listening, responding, and shifting power to life in their own foundations.

What will I learn?

  • Promising practices and framework for practicing equity-centered listening on a personal and organizational basis
  • New tools and resources to support funders to center community in their work, and shift and share power with
    community and individuals with lived expertise
  • Real-life examples of funder listening practices that center the experiences and voices of the people and communities at the heart of our work


  • Jonathan Brack, Program Manager, Fund for Shared Insight
  • Melinda Tuan, Managing Director, Fund for Shared Insight

Who should attend?
All interested funders, regardless of roles, including CEOs and Senior Leadership; Measurement, Evaluation, and
Learning teams; Grantmaking team members; Program teams; and Strategy teams. What to expect: presentation
followed by breakout discussions and practice.

How do I sign up?

Philanthropy WV Members: Click the ‘Going’ Button in the RSVP section below.

REGISTRATION closes April 2, 2024


  • Connecticut Council for Philanthropy
  • Grantmakers for Effective Organizations
  • Health and Environmental Funders
  • Philanthropy Massachusetts
  • Wisconsin Philanthropy Network


April 4, 2024
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Event Category:


Philanthropy WV
View Organizer Website


DEIB, Governance, Grant Management
Community Foundation, Corporate, Family Foundation, Private Foundation, United Way
Program Cancellation Policy

Philanthropy West Virginia reserves the right to cancel or reschedule our education programs. Programs may be canceled because of, but not limited to: speaker and or facilitator illness, inclement weather conditions, or less than 3 registered participants.

You will be notified of the cancellation within 24 hours of a virtual event and within 5 days of an in person event via email. Thank you for your understanding. See the full cancellation policy.