WV Neighborhood Investment Program Renewal & Expansion

Philanthropy West Virginia is working collaboratively with the WV Nonprofit Association, WV United Way Collaborative, and other partners to ensure the 2021 renewal and expansion of the long-standing West Virginia Neighborhood Investment Program (NIP) during the 2021 Legislative Session.

We need your help in order to be successful! The NIP charitable giving incentive is the only tool for nonprofits to attract charitable giving by providing charitable giving incentives for private individual and business donors. If the WV Legislature does not renew and expand the program, it will end on June 30, 2021. Due to the increased demand for nonprofit services in response to the pandemic and cancellation of numerous fundraisers/revenue generating programs, the NEED is MONUMENTAL for the renewal and expansion, hence our coalition is requesting:

  • Five-year renewal of the Neighborhood Investment Program
  • Expanding the program by $2 million in additional credits to $5 million/year

Two bills have been introduced that would renew and expand the Neighborhood Investment Program: HB 2794 and SB 446.

We invite you to join us in this critical work to expand our state’s base of charitable giving serving our state’s citizens, communities, and nonprofits who are working to respond to the excessive needs created by the pandemic and economic downturn. Please find below some of the resources to assist in ensuring the program’s renewal and expansion:

Talking Points & Facts on NIP Renewal & ExpansionAccess HERE
Sample Op-Ed created by the Community Foundation for the Ohio ValleyRead it Here
Join the Coalition by signing the Support LetterSIGN NOW
Letter to the Editor Template & DetailsAccess HERE
Read the Media Release announcing the CoalitionFind it Here
NEW – Download the NIP Renew & Expand InfographicDownload Here
See the Current Support Letter Signers (2/5/21 vers.)Access Here
Build a Fund, Build a Community Report: Highlighting Nonprofits & Philanthropy responding to the Pandemic (12/20 in partnership with WV Living Magazine)Check it out here!
WV NIP Brochure from the WV Development OfficeReview Here
Sample email to Senate Finance CommitteeDownload here
List of Senate Finance Committee MembersAccess here

The Neighborhood Investment Program (NIP) was established in West Virginia in 1996 to encourage charitable giving to local nonprofits.  The program allows 501(c)3 organizations to apply for tax credit vouchers which they then distribute to businesses and individuals who contribute to their organization.  By donating to approved NIP organizations, contributors can support their communities while earning credits to reduce certain West Virginia taxes. Since this program’s creation, there has been a marked increase in itemized charitable giving in the state. If you have a story about how the Neighborhood Investment Program has impacted your organization or community, we encourage you to share it HERE.

Your involvement will make it possible for us to strengthen our dialogue for education and advocacy and advance our work to ensure renewal of this legislation. The WV Neighborhood Investment Program makes it possible for more than $6.5 Million in new charitable private gifts to be given annually, and those gifts support citizens, communities, and nonprofits across the Mountain State. The loss of this program would be catastrophic to so many communities and organizations that provide important services to our citizens. Your participation in the renewal is critical, and we hope you will use the resources provided to join us in advocating for this important cause.

For more information, contact Philanthropy WV at paul@philanthropywv.org or the WVNPA at tasha@wvnpa.org

In the spirit of collaboration,

Paul D. Daugherty, President & CEO ~ Philanthropy West Virginia

Tasha Anderson, Executive Director ~ WV Nonprofit Association